Advanced Configuration ONU - C-Data -

Advanced Configuration ONU - C-Data

AdminOLT now allows authorizing ONUs C-Data using advanced settings, using previously created Line Profiles in the OLT or simply at the moment of authorizing and selecting Create generic profile, AdminOLT will take care of creating a configuration with the data you select.

Steps to authorize ONUs using advanced settings

1Go to the list of unauthorized ONUs and select the one you want to authorize.

2 Enable the option Use advanced settings

3 Select the Line Profile and services you want to configure

  1. Line Profile: List of Line Profiles created in AdminOLT belonging to the selected OLT. Additionally, an option "Create generic profile" that allows creating a custom Line Profile, according to the selected services and CVLANs.
  2. Services: Related to the selected Line Profile, if "Create generic profile" is selected, you can choose from different types of available services (INTERNET, IPTV, VOIP, NMS).

How can I authorize an ONU with advanced settings?

Authorize ONU and create generic profile

1Authorize ONU and select "Create generic profile"

How does AdminOLT create a generic profile?

  1. AdminOLT creates a Line Profile based on the selected data and services.
  2. Each selected service corresponds to a GEMPORT in the configuration of the Line Profile to be created.
  3. The CVLAN of each selected service is used for the configuration of the Line Profile.

2 Verify the created configuration

The Line Profile created automatically can be found in the list of Line Profiles belonging to the OLT.

The name of the Line Profiles created using the option "Create generic profile" has the following structure, where:

  • LP: Line Profile
  • IT: IPTV
  • V: VOIP
  • N: NMS

Each letter of the abbreviated service shown in the previous list is followed by the CVLAN that was used for configuration.

 Line Profile

You can delete the Line Profiles created from the list shown at the top, on the condition that it is not in use or being manually modified from the OLT terminal.

Authorize ONU using a manually created Line Profile

1 Add a new Line Profile. If you have doubts about how to create this configuration, you can consult the following link

2 Authorize some ONU C-Data

When authorizing the ONU, enable "Advanced Settings" and select the Line Profile created in the previous step; then modify both CVLAN and Speed Plans.

Once the ONU is authorized, you can modify its speed plans and VLANs associated with the services from the Speed Plan List.

Speed Plan List.

Form to update speed plans and VLANs for a specific service (default is internet).


 Advanced Settings

AdminOLT does NOT configure the OLT to provide IPTV or VOIP service, it simply configures the ONUs in such a way that all data flow for these services is independent (assigning a GEMPORT and TCONT per service). To make this possible, a service port must be created for each service, which strictly uses the VLAN (client's VLAN) and GEMPORT specified in the Line Profile configuration.

April 12, 2024, 3:32 p.m. - Visitas: 4303